Monday, November 25, 2019

Poetry Monday: Stone Telling

BK photo
By Stone Telling of the Blue Clay of Sinshan

Old stone, hold my soul.
When I am not in this place
face the sunrise for me.
Grow warm slowly.
When I am not alive any more
face the sunrise for me.
Grow warm slowly.
This is my hand on you, warm.
This is my breath on you, warm.
This is my heart in you, warm.
This is my soul in you, warm.
You will be here a long time
facing the sunrise
with the warmth in you.
When you roll down,
when you break apart,
when the earth changes,
when the rockiness of you ends.
we will be shining,
we will be dancing shining,
we will be warmth shining.

Ursula LeGuin
Always Coming Home

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ursula touches my spirit with a kind of consistency that can only be described as magical. Thanks for sharing this poem, Bill.