North Carolina was called for Obama on Thursday, almost completing the electoral map. There's still that white space--one district with one electoral vote in Nebraska, that apportions them that way--which looks like it too will be Obama's. Missouri, colored pink, has votes still to count. Even so, Obama won in every region, including the battlegrounds of Florida and Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico, and the formerly very Republican states of Virginia and Indiana. Meanwhile, Democrats picked up another Senate seat with a close election in Oregon just decided. Senate elections still to be determined in Minnesota, Alaska and Georgia. There's suspicion of vote counting irregularities in Alaska and Georgia, definitely affecting the Senate races, but in the case of Georgia, maybe the presidential, too. So far the electoral vote count is Obama 364, McCain 178. Obama has more than 52% of the popular vote, to McCain's 46%, but the total number will change as votes continue to be counted.
Update: The Omaha, Nebraska electoral vote has been called for Obama. His total is now 365.