Thursday, April 07, 2022



R.I.P. Rose Severini, my Aunt Rose.  This is her wedding day, when she married my uncle Carl Severini in 1954.  

Monday, April 04, 2022

Living With Change


When the government’s dull and confused,
 the people are placid.
 When the government’s sharp and keen,
 the people are discontented.
 Alas! misery lies under happiness,
 and happiness sits on misery, alas!
 Who knows where it will end?
 Nothing is certain.

 The normal changes into the monstrous,
 the fortunate into the unfortunate,
 and our bewilderment
 goes on and on.

 And so the wise
 shape without cutting, 
square without sawing,
 true without forcing.
They are the light that does not shine.

 --Lao Tzu 
translation by Ursula K. Le Guin

photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson