Once their addled brains settle down, the White House regime should realize that today's surprise appointment of Robert Mueller as a special counsel to investigate the Russian connections may well the best thing to happen to them in weeks.
With the FBI investigation in question and Comey's reputation attacked, lots of people were talking pretty freely through the media about what they know. That may well stop now. FBI sources are likely to dry up, Comey won't say anything to Congress in public sessions, etc. and Mueller has a practice of not making public statements about ongoing investigations--which is what tripped Comey up in the first place, several times.
So the White House could experience something it hasn't in awhile: silence, or at least less noise on the Russia connection. There may well be news stories because there are so many related investigations now, and reporters are dug in on it, but things are likely to get quieter. For awhile.
Maybe a long while, because Mueller's brief as special counsel is extensive. But what he's charged with investigating poses significant dangers for the regime. According to the Atlantic's reporting on the appointment memo:
Mueller is authorized to take over the investigation that Comey confirmed to Congress in a March hearing. That includes “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump” and “any matters that arose or may arise from directly from the investigation.” It also gives Mueller authority to look into other crimes noted under a statute that establishes the special counsel, “such as perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witnesses; and to conduct appeals arising out of the matter being investigated and/or prosecuted.”
If he believes it is necessary, Mueller “is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.”
Needless to say, matters affecting a White House incumbent are fraught, and speed would seem to be important. And this isn't the only problem in the ongoing crisis that is this regime. But it maybe won't be making so many relentless headlines for at least awhile. This surprise appointment may have done the White House a favor. But it may not be so good for the rest of us, if this matter drags on in relative silence.
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