Friday, February 24, 2017

Deja Robo

One day early this week the phone rang.  I answered it.
"Hello," I said.  Nothing.  "Hello" I said again, noting that silence that usually means a robocall.

"Oh, hello!" said a female voice, sounding flustered, followed by a kind of giggle.  "Sorry about that, I had a problem with my headset."

Then she went into her spiel, though I've forgotten what it was for. I tried to interrupt but she kept going, so I said something like "No thanks" and hung up.

About three days later the phone rang.  I answered it.
"Hello," I said.  Nothing.  "Hello" I said again, noting that silence that usually means a robocall.

"Oh, hello!" said a female voice, sounding flustered, followed by a kind of giggle.  "Sorry about that, I had a problem with my headset."

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