The circus tents are going up in Tampa. Rumors of a circular firing squad attraction in the center ring are probably exaggerated, but... On Monday, a GOPer U.S. Senator suggested that unless the party fixes its problems with women in the next several weeks, Romney will lose. A story circulated that Chris Christie turned down the v.p. because he believes Romney will lose.
One indication that last week's fracus over rape and abortion and the image of extremism in general are having an impact: a Pew poll found more people interested in the GOPer platform than in either Romney or Ryan's convention speeches. Interest in economic news however was substantially higher than in the Akin story.
A big uncertainty continues to be the track and impact of a tropical storm which is expected to become a hurricane and make landfall on Tuesday. Concern over the storm's impact on Tampa led to Monday's convention events being cancelled--and to what has to be the most revealing and the craziest Rush Limbaugh conspiracy theory ever: that the Obama administration manipulated the storm track prediction to subvert the GOPer convention. Really:
"The hurricane center is the regime; the hurricane center is the Commerce Department. It’s the government. It’s Obama,” said Limbaugh.
Meanwhile, several outlets were chortling over the apparent Romney campaign goof of giving away hardback copies of Romney's book to convention delegates which contains his suggestion that Romneycare should be expanded nationally, instead of the paperback edition which says more or less the opposite. Goof-up it is but also totally in character. Giving the hardbacks away tells me that Romney had a lot of unsold books in storage--why not give them away, save on warehouse costs and probably get a tax deduction to boot! Makes perfect Romneysense.
Win It For the Draft Money
What a lousy year for the teams I support and write about here: the
Warriors, the 49ners, the Steelers, Giants, Pirates...and now everyone is
saying tha...
1 week ago
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