Hope in a Darkening Age...
news, comment, arts, ecology, wisdom, obsessions, the past, the future...
"THE END OF ALL INTELLIGENT ANALYSIS IS TO CLEAR THE WAY FOR SYNTHESIS."--H.G. Wells. "It's always a leap into the unknown future to write anything."--Margaret Atwood "Be kind, be useful, be fearless."--President Barack Obama.
Rachel Maddow visited Pittsburgh during last week's National Rifle Association convention. She interviewed Ricky Burgess, City councilman from Homewood, one of Pittsburgh's mostly African American neighborhoods. In this segment and another, he described in personal terms the impact of easily available guns on his life and the lives and life of his neighborhood. Anything about Pittsburgh hits home to me, but this truly tragic situation affects everywhere in America, especially cities. What is most disturbing to me--and to Burgess, I suspect--is that due to the NRA's monomanical efforts, the Pennsylvania legislature passed a law that forbids individual cities from passing their own gun control laws, to govern their own circumstances. As Burgess points out, nobody is shooting rabbits or deer in Homewood. They are shooting each other. This is a very powerful video piece, as is the second segment at The Maddow Blog.
Maddow revealed one reason the NRA opposes any limitations on guns, ammunition, etc. at all--several of their board members are in the business of selling these items. It's really all about money, not second amendment rights. All of this forces my attention on what it is too depressing to see most of the time--this culture has lost all semblance of sanity on this issue. The gun is the foremost symbol of power and even sexuality in this society--just walk down the aisles of a video store and look at the covers.
Win It For the Draft Money
What a lousy year for the teams I support and write about here: the
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saying tha...
Turning 72 in 2018: I Dwell in Possibility
*Returning to my reposts of birthday essays, which will eventually form an
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20 y...
History of My Reading: I'm A Stranger Here Myself
*“And the roses of electricity still open*
*In the garden of my memory.”*
photo by Paula Rhodes 1974 or 5
*A*t the end of March 1974, after...
Back To The Blacklist
The phenomenon known as the Hollywood Blacklist in the late 1940s through
the early 1960s was part of the Red Scare era when the Soviet Union emerged
as th...
Star Trek's End? (With Update)
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Jonathan Miller
Of all the people I didn't know who died in 2019, I was most saddened by
the death of Jonathan Miller. He was an important presence at various
times in ...
5 years ago
The Malling of America
available at your online bookseller
..."The answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve, to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day."--Barack Obama Nov. 4, 2008
"Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions - who suggest that our system cannot tolerate too many big plans. Their memories are short. For they have forgotten what this country has already done; what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage." Barack Obama January 20, 2009
"If you turn away now – if you buy into the cynicism that the change we fought for isn’t possible…well, change will not happen. If you give up on the idea that your voice can make a difference, then other voices will fill the void: lobbyists and special interests; the people with the $10 million checks who are trying to buy this election and those who are making it harder for you to vote; Washington politicians who want to decide who you can marry, or control health care choices that women should make for themselves. Only you can make sure that doesn't happen. Only you have the power to move us forward.--President Obama on Sept. 6, 2012
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