Win It For the Draft Money
What a lousy year for the teams I support and write about here: the
Warriors, the 49ners, the Steelers, Giants, Pirates...and now everyone is
saying tha...
3 days ago
Caused by global warming, no doubt?
Hey, any idea where that picture was taken? Back when I lived in Southern California I saw the surf glowing like that one night. Must have had something to do with the grunion (smelt like fish for those of you that never heard of them) as they were running that night.
Here's the info on the photo:"Image of bioluminescent red tide event of 2005 at a beach in Carlsbad California showing brilliantly glowing crashing waves containing billions of Lingulodinium polyedrum dinoflagellates. The phenomenon is thought to have something to do with quorum sensing." (quorum sensing is the ability of bacteria to communicate and coordinate behavior via signaling molecules.)"
(Whatever that means.)
As for global warming, well...Wikipedia says this: "Some algal blooms [red tide] on the Pacific coast have also been linked to occurrences of large-scale climatic oscillations." So far that means like El Nino, but it's probably more directly related to human-caused pollution in the ocean.
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