Numbers Game
Here are some numbers to play this weekend:
33: Smirk's approval rating in the latest Fox poll. Yes, Fox. As one of TV's rocket scientist commentators mentioned on Friday, "That's four points from being in the twenties."
75: Dollars, the record high price of a barrel of crude oil. Very crude.
330: $3.30 buys you a gallon of regular hereabouts. Big news Friday was that it hadn't gone up from Thursday. But today is another day.
60: As in "60 Minutes" on CBS Sunday. The main guest is an ex-CIA analyst who says that the White House had intelligence well before invading Iraq that Iraq had no WMD, but chose to ignore it, to lie to the American people, because "regime change" was the goal.
33: Ooh, that number again. Roughly the number of months before Smirk's term as president ends. Although there's also:
8: months until congressional elections, which could mean 10 until Impeachment begins.
Win It For the Draft Money
What a lousy year for the teams I support and write about here: the
Warriors, the 49ners, the Steelers, Giants, Pirates...and now everyone is
saying tha...
1 week ago
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