Sunday, July 31, 2022

Chair Rental


Very little was known about anything
 in the old time. It was as a vocalise
 is to a sonata, children in the limelight
 and water rushing over stones
 as though in a hurry to get somewhere.
 It’s possible to joke about it now
 that the trial period has lapsed.
 To not admit you’re miscast.

 America’s old churches were seen as a new
 philosophy of one-upmanship:
 playing, yet not part of the game.
 Thus many things endure, and no one 
gets very anxious about them: spots
 like coins from a tree that who the heck
 could have foreseen in its time anyway?
 Just stand here. Call me potatoes
 and soap. Call me soap and potatoes.

 My husband’s fiancé wished it otherwise.
 There you go. 

--John Ashbery
photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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