Meanwhile Back in the Iraqmire...
It's been another murderous week in Iraq. In the wake of Katrina, it's easy to underestimate reaction to the conduct of that war in the plunge of Bushcorps in the polls. But get this: on Wednesday, the CITY OF CHICAGO, via the City Council, voted 29-9 in favor of a resolution calling for the immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.
The Captain currently orbits the town of Arcata, CA, where the city council of Greens and a minority of Dems and Others officially expressed similar sentiments awhile back. But it wasn't exactly an earthshaking surprise. Nor was Santa Cruz or even San Francisco.
But Chicago? The ghost of Abbie Hoffman must be chortling about now.
Then there's this, from the Political Wire:
Most Americans Want Troops Home
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll shows that President Bush's overall approval "has fallen to a record-low for Mr. Bush of 40%, reflecting a shrunken core of base supporters."The big news: 55% of those surveyed favor bringing soldiers home from Iraq, while just 36% back Bush's position that current levels should be maintained to help secure peace and stability. In addition, some 60% say "rebuilding the Gulf Coast should be a higher national priority than establishing democracy in Iraq; 5% say Iraq, while 34% say the two are equally important."
Not long ago Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr lambasted the NBA for
not caring about the health of its players, in insisting on scheduling too
21 hours ago
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