Saturday, September 15, 2012

Coming Home

The four Americans killed in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya returned to the U.S. on Thursday. President Obama and Secretary Clinton spoke.

These four men died in service to their country, to the new democracy that the U.S. helped to establish, and in service to each other.  They were not there to hurt or kill anybody.  Ambassador Stevens in particular faced danger every day, unarmed, to do difficult work in which he deeply believed.  His courage, their courage, is cause for humble admiration.  May they rest in peace.

On another note, but a related one: I was not the only one to notice the moment when Secretary Clinton takes President Obama's hand.  Four years ago such a moment would be unthinkable.  The relationship they have built since then is a testament, an example, and a cause for hope.  As are the sacrifices of these four men.  Maybe we'll make this experiment of humanity work after all, or at least some of us will acquit ourselves honorably and well.    

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