Saturday, October 02, 2010


The 10-2-10 One Nation Together rally brought tens of thousands (which could also mean hundreds of thousands) of people to Washington Saturday, a very good turnout for a rally that wasn't all that well publicized. But it was a Democratic base rally--lots of unions, churches and other organizations did the organizing. Media accounts I saw were nondescript--participants noted the diversity (in marked contrast to the Beckistan rally) and good feeling. Here's what it looked like ( a diary posted at Kos by The Red Phone is Ringing, from which the above photos were liberally borrowed.) It's exactly a month until the election, and it's being recognized that if the Dems turn out, they win. Especially with info like this poll, which says that on all the issues polled (except terrorism), the majority of voters trust Democrats to do the better job.

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