Sunday, August 14, 2005

Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey, as the Bush motorcade goes by...
photo from Booman Tribune Posted by Picasa


Fred Mangels said...

I can see why those in the War Party dislike this Sheehan gal. I can't see why the Left and those against the war are idolizing her. She's already had face time with the President, a while back. Now, she's just trying to get attention for herself. Even her family disavows her actions.

Captain Future said...

Don't fall for the talk radio slander, Fred. Some distant relatives who always disagreed with her politically are being used by the rabid right. Cindy Sheehan's immediate family is supporting her. Her "meeting" with Bush, as one among several grieving mothers, was one of the reasons she's doing this, because she felt he hadn't spoken to her concerns. I don't know how you or anyone knows her motivations aren't what she says they are. Obviously she is trying to attract attention to the tragic idiocy of this war. She's been the symbolic presence that the opposition needed. It can't really be a comfortable role, but in this weird culture, apparently a necessary one.