Sunday, August 07, 2005

Big Science O-dee-lay-ee-hoo

When science is mentioned around here, it’s usually to defend it against those who would deny or pervert it. Those acts obviously have terrible consequences. But on the anniversary of Hiroshima, it ought to be noted that science has its own problems that have little to do with fundamentalists or the editing of inconvenient scientific findings in the White House.

Big Science, as Laurie Anderson sang about it, has much to answer for. Most science in this country is done either for the Pentagon or big corporations, and very little is done either in a disinterested search for knowledge or to directly benefit the public good.

Big Science does not take into consideration the future effects of its present actions. It does not look at the web of relationships that define life and reality. It had better start, before it's too late.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good blog. Keep it running!