Tuesday, July 05, 2005

War of the Worlds Week

Steven Spielberg's version of H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds broke some records at the collective box office over the 4th of July weekend, although it did not do as well as '>Spiderman 2 a year go.

So what? What does it all mean? Was it really a gloss on terrorism (a plus for Bush) or an anti-Iraq war cautionary tale about alien occupation (another swipe at Bush) and does it matter? Well, sort of.

'>The War of the Worlds is one of the more fascinating stories in recent history and in its implications for the future. For an entertaining look beyond the superficialities, check out
Soul of Star Trek, beginning with a review of the Spielberg version, and a history of the previous versions, with links to more on Wells' subversive intents.

With the review is an interesting comment indicating that somebody saw the parallels with America in Iraq. Frank Rich this Sunday also pointed out a reference that went right by me---that the teenage son of the Tom Cruise character is supposed to be writing a paper on the French occupations of Algeria.

So as always you are invited to comment there or here: what did you think of the movie? Did you get a political message or subtext? Who did you identify with? (I'm especially interested in who teenagers and younger kids identified with.)

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